Frequently Asked Question

[Apple] Configure Work Email and Calendaring on Your iPhone or iPad
Last Updated 10 months ago

Step 01)  Find and tap the [Settings] icon on your home screen.


Step 02)  Scroll down to the [Mail, Contacts, Calendars] option in the left-hand column, tap it, and then tap [Add Account] in the right side of the screen.


Step 03)  Tap the [Exchange] option on the right side of the screen.


After finishing Step 03, you will have two options to finish configuring email on your phone: Option A: Simple Setup and Option B: Regular Setup. Note that Option A has less steps and is what you should try first, but has one part that is counter-intuitive. Option B exists as a secondary and more involved method that is mostly straightforward.

Option A: Simple Setup

Step 04) The window that appears will ask for your email address and a description, and this is where you will need to pay close attention. For your email address, enter instead of your full email address. So for example, employee Michael Macro would type in instead of

For the description you may put whatever you would like, but we recommend entering CUESD.

When the above information has been entered, tap the [Next] button in the upper right-hand corner.


Step 05) A pop-up window will appear and you will be given two options: [Configure Manually] or [Sign In]. Tap [Sign In].


Step 06) The previous window will now present a [Password] field. Enter your password and tap [Next] again in the upper right-hand corner.


Step 07) If your account information was accepted then you will be presented with one last window to enable/disable features of your email account (such as contacts, calendars, and reminders). It's customary to just leave them all turned on, but you may turn off any features that will not be needed for your iPad and then tap [Save] in the upper right-hand corner. That's it--you're all done!


Option B: Standard Setup

Step 04) The window that appears will ask for your email address and a description. Enter your full email address and then whichever description you want, although CUESD is recommended. (Note that your full email address is typically; so employee Michael Macro would enter

When the above information has been entered, tap the [Next] button in the upper right-hand corner.


Step 05) A pop-up window will appear and you will be given two options: [Configure Manually] or [Sign In]. Tap [Configure Manually].


Step 06) The previous window will now present a [Password] field. Enter your password and tap [Next] again in the upper right-hand corner.


Step 07) A new window will appear requesting additional information about your Exchange email account (UsernameServerDomain). Enter the following information:

  • Server:
  • Domain:
  • Username: mmacro

You will also be required to re-enter your password.

Then tap the [Next] button.


Step 08) If your account information was accepted then you will be presented with one last window to enable/disable features of your email account (such as contacts, calendars, and reminders). It's customary to just leave them all turned on, but you may turn off any features that will not be needed for your iPad and then tap [Save] in the upper right-hand corner. That's it--you're all done!


You can now access your email by tapping the [Mail] icon at the bottom of the home screen.  If you followed the previous steps correctly then your mail will start to load. Please be aware that it may take a minute or two for email and calendar entries to appear. If you're on a slow Internet connection then this process may take longer.


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