Frequently Asked Question

[Barracuda] Retrieve Quarantined Email Messages
Last Updated 11 months ago

The Barracuda Spam Email Filter prevents messages that appear "untrustworthy" or look similar to known spam messages from immediately being delivered to your District email inbox. If a message is not from a known (trusted) sender, the message may end up in "Quarantine" under the Barracuda Spam Filter. If you notice that an email you were expecting has not come through in a reasonable time, chances are that it was caught in the Barracuda Quarantine.

You will receive an email from Email Security Gateway three times a day (7:00AM, 11:00AM, and 3:00PM) showing you which emails are currently sitting in your Barracuda Quarantine. These messages are reduced to only once daily during Summer vacation. 

It is important to note that emails that have been sitting in quarantine for more than 15 days will automatically be deleted. This is why it is important to regularly check the Barracuda emails and why we configured the notifications to go out three times each day.

If you would like to allow one of the messages in your Quarantine to pass through to your regular inbox, click the Deliver link. This will allow that single message through, however, future emails from this sender will continue to be blocked by Barracuda. If the message is from a trusted sender and you are expecting further emails from them, it is best to select the Allow List action instead. The Allow List function marks the sender as "safe", and allows that sender's messages to come straight through to your inbox without getting held in your Quarantine first.


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