Frequently Asked Question

[uniFLOW] Print to uniFLOW on Chromebook Devices
Last Updated 7 months ago

NOTE: This tutorial is intended for Cascade staff that are using a Chromebook or Chrome tablet device; students do not have the ability to print. This will work on both Chromebooks and Chrome tablets as long as you sign in to the device using your CUESD Google account. 

STEP 01) Click the puzzle piece icon in the top right corner of the Google Chrome browser. This will display all Chrome extensions. Click on [uniFLOW Online], which should be at the bottom of the list.


STEP 02) Enter into the text box for tenant URL, then click Sign in. On the next screen that appears, select the grey Cascade Union Elementary School District box.


STEP 03) Sign in using your full email address and Windows (not Google) password. After successfully logging in you should end up on this page saying that account registration was successful.


STEP 04) When printing a document or file, click the Destination dropdown and select "See more..."


Select uniFLOW Online from the list.


Printed items will then be sent to your uniFLOW secure print queue, accessible at the large copiers in site staff rooms or front offices.

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