Frequently Asked Question

[Cisco] Managing Deleted Voice Mail
Last Updated 2 years ago

Occasionally it is necessary to manage deleted messages in your voice mail.  There are two reasons to do this:  01) you accidentally deleted a message that you wanted to keep or need to hear again, and 02) to clear out your voice mail after running out of space.

NOTE:  It is very important to clear out your old voice mail messages from time to time.  If this isn't done then people will not be able to leave messages for you.  Instead, they will receive a notification along the lines of, "I'm sorry, this person's mailbox is full."

To retrieve a message that was accidentally deleted...

  1. Access your voicemail by pressing the [Msgs] button (or the envelope button) on your phone
  2. Input your PIN followed by #
  3. Press 3 for the "review old messages" option
  4. Press 2 for the "deleted messages" option
  5. Press 1 for the "review deleted" option

To empty out your voice mail after running out of space...

  1. Access your voicemail by pressing the [Msgs] button (or the envelope button) on your phone
  2. Input your PIN followed by #
  3. Press 3 for the "review old messages" option
  4. Press 2 for the "deleted messages" option
  5. Press 2 for the "erase" option
  6. Press 1 for the "confirm" option
  7. Press 1 for the "only voice messages" option

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