Frequently Asked Question

[uniFLOW] Print Jobs Not Being Delivered to uniFLOW Print Queue
Last Updated 10 months ago

STEP 01) Check to see if the uniFLOW icon appears in the bottom right corner of your screen. This may look slightly different depending on your computer's version of Windows.

Windows 10


Windows 11


If this icon does not appear, the uniFLOW application is not running on your computer, preventing print jobs from being sent to the copiers. Proceed to the next step to manually launch the uniFLOW program.

NOTE: Restarting your computer will usually resolve this issue as well, as the uniFLOW SmartClient is automatically started up when your computer boots.

STEP 02)  Locate the Windows search bar at the bottom of your screen and type in "uniFLOW". Select [uniFLOW SmartClient] from the list of results to launch the app.


After this app has been launched, you should see the icon in the bottom right corner of your screen, as shown in the first image. Please try printing again at this point. This may have fixed the issue; if not, please continue to Step 3.

STEP 03) If you are still unable to print after the uniLFOW SmartClient has been restarted, it may be that printed documents are stuck in your print queue and need to be cleared out.

Double-click the printer icon with the left mouse button to view your printer queue.


If there are documents listed in the queue, right-click on them and choose Restart. If this does not fix the issue, it will be necessary to right-click the job again and choose Cancel to remove the entry. After that, send the print job again and it should go through.

If you are still unable to print, please open a helpdesk ticket.


STEP 01) Click the [uniFlow Online] app on your ClassLink LaunchPad, then click the Continue with Cascade Union Elementary School District box that comes up on the next page.


STEP 02) Click the Dashboard tab from the left column. My queue will appear on the right side of the Dashboard. Any documents listed here are currently waiting for you at the copiers and are available after scanning in with your badge. This allows you to make sure that the documents have been received before walking over to copy machine.


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