Frequently Asked Question

[Outlook] Sharing Your Calendar
Last Updated 4 months ago

Your work calendar can be shared with others.

STEP 01) Open your calendar and select [Share Calendar] from the toolbar at the top.


STEP 02) A new Sharing Invitation window will open. Click the [Address Book] to add recipients to your invitation. 

IMPORTANT: You MUST add names from the Address Book. Typing a name manually into the "To..." box will give you an error and will not share the calendar properly. 


STEP 03) In the Address Book window, search for the person/people you would like to share the calendar with in the search bar, then double-click their name(s) in the list below. This will add them to the "To" box at the bottom. When you are done adding names, click on OK at the bottom of the window.


STEP 04) Confirm that the names have been added. The Details dropdown can be adjusted if you would like to change the level of information that is displayed for other users on the shared calendar. 

Finally, if all looks correct, click the Send button.


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